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15 Christmas Present ideas for your cat

Kerrie Hyland

Christmas is coming up and we always want to show our love and appreciation to those around us. I know I always have something little under the tree for my horses and dogs. I don't have a cat, but I am sure they would be particularly displeased if they did not also have some gifts under the tree.

Cats are a major part of the family, and are as loved and respected as the other 2 legged, and 4 legged family members. Truth be told, In their opinion, they are likely more important than all the rest.

We all know our cats have everything they could possibly wish for, and want for nothing... Well, except the box that you have just sat down to use.

Most of their needs being looked after long before our own needs are addressed.

Here are some ideas on how to spoil them (and you) even more.

A black cat laying near Christmas decorations
How do you spoil your cat at Christmas?

Christmas present ideas for your cat

1. Special snacks/ Treats

In the wild, a cat will constantly hunt throughout the day. Eating lots of little small insects, rodents, reptiles and birds.

In the domestic setting a cat doesn't generally have access to these regular little treats. We can give them some small treats through the day.

A great treat option is the Provex Premium Dog Hemp Treats these come in three flavours. Beef, Kangaroo and Mackeral.

These have the benefits of lean protein bites, combined with the anti-inflammatory benefits of hempseed.

These are totally suitable for cats, and you can break them off into small morsels.

Dog hemp treats 90g front label
Mackerel and hemp treats are perfect for cats

2. A new collar, harness and lead

I love when I see a cat on a harness taking a walk. Many indoor cats have very limited access to the outdoors.

It is very important for a cat to have environmental enrichment, but we still want to keep the native wildlife, and birds safe. Some cats will love a daily walk. Others will flat out refuse, and I mean flat out. They will prefer to be dragged rather than the indignity of being walked on a lead like the dog!

A long haired cat with blue eyes in a pink harness
A nice new harness can be a wonderful gift

3. New toys

Toys are always a hit. unfortunately the novelty of toys is often short lived.

I like to have a range of toys, and rotate them over time so they do not get bored with them.

Interactive toys are always better than ones they have to play with on their own.

4. New Grooming Gear

Freshening up the brush and comb can be a good present option. Practical and functional.

Replace old brushes that have become damaged.

Grooming a cat can reduce the amount of hair they ingest when self grooming, which helps immensely with hairball formation.

5. Scratch post

A new scratch post can be the most fun! There are some great environmentally friendly options made from cardboard. Move these around the house to encourage engagement.

6. New Food or water bowl

Is their food bowl ready for an update? Do they have a ceramic dish with a crack or a chip? Is the stainless steel scratched and damaged?

This can be an important health consideration, as damaged and scratched surfaces can create the perfect environment for bacterial contamination.

7. An artwork of them.

This can be a commissioned artwork, or a framed picture you, or your kid has drawn of them.

This can be as low or high cost as your budget dictates.

For the non artistic, this could be a paw print in paint or their silhouette in black and white.

A painting of a black cat sitting on a tree branch in front of the moon
A painting, or drawing of your cat makes great artwork

8. A consultation with a Canine Nutritionist

What can be better than the gift of optimal nutrition?!

There are so many opinions around what a cat should, or should not be fed. Diets are not a one size fits all, and diets can be therapeutic for the cat with a health concern, or functional for optimal health and disease prevention in the healthy cat.

you can book in for a Nutrition consult here

Cats are obligate carnivores, and really do best with a low carbohydrate diet

9. A Naturopathic Consultation

For cats that have been struggling with a health concern, a naturopathic consultation can help to restore their health, or better manage a chronic condition. If you have a cat that needs some more specialised and individualised health care, this can be a great present.

My naturopathic consultations include the nutrition consult as part of this service, so they are getting two presents!

In the long run, nothing is more valuable than your cats health.

10. A new product or supplement

Christmas can be the perfect time to trial a new product you have been eyeing off, but not been able to put into your everyday budget. This can be a joint support supplement, or an antioxidant. To really judge a products effectiveness, you do need to commit to a 3 month trial.

11. Herbal Teas

I love herbal teas, and I love to share them with my dogs.

This inspired my range Tea with my dog

Of course I couldn't formulate ones for the dogs, without the cats getting one too.

My cat friendly tea is a simple blend of rosehip, nettle and catnip.

Make this up, and use in their food. Although some cats might like to play in the dried herb instead....

Front label of Tea with my dog- cat
Tea with my Cat is herbal mix specially formulated for cats.

12. Hanging beds

There are so many great hanging beds available now. Some that will hang on the wall, or outside a window. You can also get these great platforms for creating an obstacle course around the house for them.

A great environmental enrichment gift.

13. A professional photo shoot for you and your Cat.

capturing these moments will last a lifetime for you.

Find a photographer whose work you adore, and buy yourself a nice outfit for the occasion. Choose your favourite/s and have them framed and hang them in your house.

A long haired cat with head cocked to the side in front of a blue background
A nice professional photo of your cat can be artwork on your wall

14. A new companion

Who am I kidding, no cat wants a new companion.

Cats are generally quite independent and solitary by nature.

However, if you have a cat that loves company. They may really love a puppy, or kitten all of their own!

If you spend a lot of time away from home, another cat companion may be well suited.

This will really depend on your cat, and some will detest the idea, and find it the most stressful present they have ever received.

A French bulldog with a Santa hat
Only adopt a kitten or puppy at Christmas if you are ready for the long term relationship, and if your current cat will be suited to a companion.

15. A box

One of the most practical and useful gifts of all.

I can promise you, this will be the most utilised, and enjoyed present of all. It can be a damaged old box, or a nice new box. Your cat will not care.

Get a few boxes, wrap them up and pop under the tree. Open them up on Christmas day and watch the fun!

What a great bunch of Christmas Present ideas for your cat

What Christmas presents do you like to get for your cat? Please let us know what Christmas present ideas you have for your cat, or which gifts they liked the best in the comments below.

I bet it was the box!

Give your cat a pat for me!



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