Cushings, also known as Hyperadrenocorticism, is a condition where there is an
excessive production of cortisol from the adrenal glands.
Cortisol is an important hormone in the body, which is usually released during
times of stress, or low blood sugar levels. Cortisol has an anti-inflammatory
effect, increases blood pressure and influencing fluid control in the kidneys.
however some pets can develop tumours on the pituitary, or on the adrenal
gland, which can cause an increased production of cortisol. Another cause of
Cushings can be from extended use of corticosteroids for allergies.

The pituitary gland is one of the control regions in the brain
The pituitary gland is one of the control regions in the brain, which tells the
adrenal gland how much cortisol to produce.
A dysfunction in the feedback control system can occur from the pituitary, or from the adrenal gland. A tumour on the pituitary gland can cause an overproduction of Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH).
ACTH acts as the messenger hormone to tell the adrenal gland to produce cortisol. Alternatively a tumour on the adrenal gland can cause a direct influence on over secretion of cortisol.
As the cortisol levels are constantly elevated, it can affect many
body systems, organs and tissues.
Unfortunately cushings disease is often not diagnosed until it is quite progressed, as most of they symptoms are not evident initially.
Common symptoms of Cushings disease in dogs
Polyphagia- increased hunger,
Polyuria- high urine production,
Polydipsia- drinking lots of water,
Potbellied appearance- where they have a big fat tummy, even though the rest of their body is loosing condition. , increased panting and breathing rate.
Muscle weakness and loss of muscle mass
weakened, softer collagen
Thinning hair and alopecia (baldness)
Hyperpigmentation of the skin- dark patches
Calcinosis Cutis bumpy hard lumps under the skin which can feel granular
Lethargy, and loss of interest in everyday activities.

Supporting the dog with Cushings disease
When working with an animal with cushings disease, the aim is to improve
the clearance of cortisol from the body whilst also reducing its production.
Managing symptoms, and improving quality of life.
When there is a tumour present on the pituitary gland, or the adrenal gland, reducing the level of cortisol produced is not always possible. Instead we aim to Improve the clearance of the cortisol through the liver, reducing the amount of time it is active in the body, and therefore reducing the damaging effect it has on the body.
Natural therapeutics to consider
Fish oils
Fish oils are useful for reducing the inflammation and dryness of the skin. There will also be supportive effects on the nervous system and help to reduce systemic inflammation
Vitamin C
Vitamin c is used in the process of cortisol production, and the highest vitamin C concentration in the body is found in the adrenal glands. Supplementation of vitamin C can help to support the collagen and connective tissues, protect from the free radical damage associated with elevated cortisol and also help to support the nervous system.
Homemade diet
A homemade diet, or other more natural diet that has little processing can help to reduce free radical exposure, reduces toxic fats and oils in their diet, and can help to reduce exposure to preservative and additives, and increasing the phytonutrients in the diet.

Herbal Medicine
Liver herbs, such as St Marys thistle, dandelion and schizandra help to
improve the clearance of the cortisol from the liver. Often the liver is enlarged as it
has an increased workload of clearing the excess cortisol from the body.
Ginkgo biloba may also help to reduce hormone production.
We also want to support the immune system, as there are systemic immunosuppressant effects from elevated cortisol levels.
Herbs like echinacea and astragalus can be helpful.
Other herbs that may be suitable: kelp, nettle, rosehip, clivers, wormwood,
burdock, milk thistle, red clover, garlic, astragalus, ginkgo biloba
Medicinal mushrooms
Mushrooms can be supportive to the adrenal glands, and improve immune function. this can have a systemic adaptogenic effect on your dog. These can also help to support the immune function.
We can help to reduce the production of cortisol, and help to reduce the effects of the excess cortisol within their system. Cushings disease is a condition which
needs ongoing management and supportive therapies which improve
quality of life.
If you have a dog with Cushings disease and would like to support them naturally, please book in for a personalised consultation.
Give your dog a pat for me x